The Fems for Dems CANvassing squad is hitting the streets on Thursday, September 20! We're working with several key partners to focus on races we've identified as critical:
One Campaign for Michigan
Oakland Macomb NOW
Planned Parenthood
Gretchen Whitmer Campaign
Mallory McMorrow Campaign
Rosemary Bayer Campaign
Mari Manoogian Campaign
Padma Kuppa Campaign
We need your help to make our CANvassing a success. Please join us at our meeting point at 11:30 a.m. for a brief training session. If you've never canvassed before, you will be paired with a veteran canvasser who will show you the ropes. We will have all the materials you need, including a list of addresses to visit.
From Noon - 3:30., we will canvass our target neighborhoods.
We promise that you will have a good time, meet new people, and feel great that you helped to influence the outcome of these important mid-term elections!
Please RSVP so that we can make the best use of our time and resources. Together, we CAN make change!
Register at